Get College Credit for What You Already Know

Been there, done that. Now get the college credit.

Each of Maine’s community colleges acknowledge the hard work and experience of their returning and adult student populations and wants to give you a leg up by granting you the college credit you deserve.

You can get credit for prior learning many different ways, including:

  • Course work successfully completed at another college or university (transfer credits);
  • Work-related training, certification or licensing exams, corporate training programs, or registered apprenticeships (see our credential crosswalk for details);
  • National exams, online courses, personal studies, and/or current knowledge of course material;
  • Military experience, courses, and training certificates; and
  • Early college courses or advanced placement exams earned while in high school.

Once awarded, these college credits are transferrable to any of the state’s seven community colleges. Students who seek credit for prior learning must be formally admitted into a program at a Maine community college, and they must complete a minimum number of credits at the college in order to be awarded a degree.

How to obtain college credit for prior learning

Staff at each of the colleges are prepared to work with you to assess your prior learning and determine what credits may be available to you. These prior learning assessments may include testing, credential reviews, or a portfolio review. Want to learn more? The following staff are prepared to help you.


Contact info:

Central Maine Community College
David Lewis, Associate Dean of Academic Affairs

Eastern Maine Community College
Stacy Green, Director of Admissions

Kennebec Valley Community College
Kathy Englehart, Academic Dean

Northern Maine Community College
Angela Buck, Interim President

Southern Maine Community College
Matthew Goodman, Acting Vice President and Associate Dean

Washington County Community College
Darin McGaw, Dean of Academic Affairs

York County Community College
Anne Crampton, Dean of Education