Professional License Disclosures
You’ve done the work, now get the information you need about state certification or state licensure across the country.
Our academic programs are designed specifically to meet and surpass the state’s requirements for a person to be licensed or certified here in Maine. But you may plan to practice out of state – and licensure requirements can vary, with some states requiring additional coursework, fieldwork, or other requirements.
Students can use this list of programs offered by Maine’s community colleges that lead to certification or licensure to navigate those requirements.
We encourage you to review this information, and we provide it as part of our participation in State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements (SARA.) SARA allows MCCS to provide online and distance learning programs to residents of states outside Maine. Additional information about SARA is available here.
Newly admitted and current undergraduate students who declare a major will also be provided an individual professional certification or licensure disclosure. To facilitate communication, students are encouraged to update their mailing address in the college online portal each term. In addition, program directors are available to individually advise students on state-by-state certification and licensure requirements.
Although Maine’s community colleges will confirm the certification or licensure requirements on a routine basis, we cannot guarantee that any particular state licensure or certification entity will approve or deny your application. Changes in a state’s law or regulation may affect your application. For these reasons, we strongly urge you to contact a state’s licensing board or agency before enrolling to confirm that your intended program of study will meet that state’s licensing requirements.
The U.S. Department of Education (DOE) also has information about professional licensure and certification programs offered on college campuses.